[Noisebridge-discuss] Project Euler group

krux at thcnet.net krux at thcnet.net
Sun Oct 4 21:03:06 UTC 2009

> Helps, but doesn't solve the issue I'm always asking for:
> How can I find others' information Saturday night at 3 AM,
> and how do others find the information I produce at that time?

Perhaps that'd be a good use to try out Google wave (assuming people have
invites) and failing that a Wiki.

> And now for something completely different:
> Do you happen to have an implementation of the Pollard-Strassen method
> for factoring prime numbers?
> Mathematica feels like cheating:
> In[69]:= FactorInteger[600851475143]
> Out[69]= {{71, 1}, {839, 1}, {1471, 1}, {6857, 1}}

Yea that's why I'm using Perl for most of my work on Project Euler.  Bugs me
when I look at solutions where it's one line in Mathmatica.  May as well
Gooogle it at that point.

perl -e 's++=END;++y(;-P)}\n?k++=;<+xru}?print:??;'

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