[Noisebridge-discuss] pollard-strassen (was: Project Euler group)

dpc weasel at meer.net
Sun Oct 4 18:26:54 UTC 2009

Christoph Maier <cm.hardware.software.elsewhere at gmail.com> writes:

> And now for something completely different:
> Do you happen to have an implementation of the Pollard-Strassen method
> for factoring prime numbers?

not on hand, but crandall/pomerance _prime numbers_ (2002) has a small
reference to this in 5.5 polynomial evaluation method. there's a one
paragraph summary w/ the description

  an algorithm that stands as the fastest deterministic rigorously
  analyzed factoring algorithm of which we know.


Never underestimate a theorem that counts something, even modulo p.
		- John B Fraleigh

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