[Noisebridge-discuss] Rsync Support Group / UNIX Systems Administration Group

Jesse welz welzart at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 23:47:58 UTC 2009

Would this group be for advanced users to discuss
advanced/intermediate topics or would there be some benefit for a noob
attending this group to learn some more about UNIX system
administration? For instance, I don't even get Leif's joke about
calling the group Rsync Support Group because I don't even know what a
Rsync is/does .....but I'd like to learn. Maybe a class introducing me
to the basics would be better for me but I also like to sit in on
advanced topics to see what I can absorb. Would that just be an
annoyance to more advanced attendees?


On Wed Oct 14 12:58:43 PDT 2009, Miah Johnson <miah at chia-pet.org> wrote:

>So I've been kicking this idea around for a while now. Why don't we have a
>UNIX Systems group? We could cover various topics from scripting,
>automation, daemons, protocols, and architecture. Is anybody else interested
>in this? I have a few things I could talk about for an hour easily, but I'd
>love to hear if anybody has a specific topic they want to learn about.
>Leif jokingly suggested we call this the Rsync Support Group, so I included
>that above =)
>Please discuss.

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