[Noisebridge-discuss] why didn't i think of asking you all before?

Quinn Norton quinn at quinnnorton.com
Tue Sep 15 15:56:14 UTC 2009

I'm working on a feature for MaxPC answering your digital rights  
questions. My editor and I will pick around 10 questions, and i'll  
interview lawyer types like those at the EFF (hi, eff ppl) to answer  

I'm especially eager for questions on mashups, because I want to go  
research the legals of them, but any digital rights questions is  
potentially doable.

Here's an example of some questions I have right now:

Question: If I bring my personal laptop to work, does my employer have
the right to search that computer?

Question: If I bring my work home and my own PC is hacked with my work  
stuff on it, am I liable?

Question: Is there any circumstance that allows for legal downloading of
copyrighted material through torrents or P2P?

Question: Is downloading TV shows off bittorrent illegal? If so, why  
is it different from Tivo'ing and fast forwarding through commercials?

Please let me know what you'd like to see answered!


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