[Noisebridge-discuss] Possible move to bay area.

Matt Joyce matt at nycresistor.com
Thu Aug 12 20:51:27 UTC 2010

Don't do drugs, don't do guys / sheep / the sexually confused ( not that
there is anything wrong with that... except maybe the sheep ), I like bars.
I am morally opposed to the consumption of vegetables.  And I am in no way a
hippie.  Though at times I am confused with a hipster...  largely because I
hate buying new clothes.

=P not that I care.  Part of the fun of moving is learning a new city /
culture so...  don't really care..  though living in the middle of castro
would probably cause me some awkward moments I'd rather avoid.

On Aug 12, 2010 4:45 PM, "Glen Jarvis" <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Matt Joyce <matt at nycresistor.com> wrote:
> So, where neighborhood...
SF is *very* expensive, but it's also *the* most fun/beset place in the
whole world to live :)  (probably un unsubstantiated non-factual opinion
there :)

There are ver few 'bad' places to live in SF. So, the question is so wide
open it's hard to really address.

If you tell us more about you, your interest, what you're looking for in a
place to live, this would be much easier to answer.

For example, if you want very ethnic, fun, close to a hacker space, cheap
and lots of native burritos, I'd say the Mission.
If you really enjoy the energy of two men holding hands while sitting in the
Sunshine, I'd say the Castro.
If you like beautiful views of the bay and boats, I'd say the Marina
If you're into sports, maybe around Chrissy Field or close to Golden Gate
park for running
If you love the energy of young free hippies and the light smell of weed in
the air, I'd say the Haight.

and, we could go on :)



Whatever you can do or imagine, begin it;
boldness has beauty, magic, and power in it.

-- Goethe
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