[Noisebridge-discuss] NoisyCalendary

Sean W. Mahan sean at antiboredom.org
Tue Jan 26 01:03:45 UTC 2010

Two cents from a former corporate Exchange jockey:

- At least in a CalDAV/Exchange-ish setup, it's worth making <strike>user accounts</strike> separate calendars for resources. Then people invite those resources to their meeting/whatever, and other people can look at, say, the classroom's calendar to see when it, in particular, is free.  This way you can also have a list of what resources are bookable, and avoid the issue of accidental double-booking due to calling the same resource by different names.  Note that this advice may be worthless in an identity-free zone, or given the calendar dev plan.

- In a lot of situations, it's a lot easier to rely on common sense and helpful event write-ups to deal with double booking than to try to hard code it to be impossible.  I'm not a member and even after a very long thread I don't know the specifics of how scheduling issues tend to play out, but presumably there could be situations where double booking something is fine (e.g. two groups want it to be known they might want to use the dark room for about 10min at some point within overlapping 1 hour meetings), and situations where it's not (e.g. someone will be running a photo printing class in the dark room for a full hour).

- Finally: http://www.funnycatsite.com/pictures/Cat_Bee.jpg


On Jan 25, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Kelly wrote:

> I defer to Ian's judgment on this one, but there's the issue of grey areas.
> Obviously it would be lame to double book a classroom, and if we could
> make that impossible I'd be ok with it.  But the rest of the space is
> not so easily partitioned.  So I think that we have to have a
> text-input field for the location.  Which means that you can TOTALLY
> double book an area.  I mean, I am generally in favor of having as few
> limitations as possible, so I think we should allow double booking.
> There is no real reason not to (only assholes and idiots would double
> book something that's obvious, and they can handle the social drama
> they create) and there are reasons to allow it.
> -K

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