[Noisebridge-discuss] Floor in the rear

Rachel McConnell rachel at xtreme.com
Sun Jun 6 19:04:27 UTC 2010

At Erin's exceptional work party yesterday, a bunch of us attacked the
floor at the back of the space, that area that was partly covered in
rotting plywood and linoleum.  We tore all that up!  The floor
underneath was not in such bad shape as we feared, but did need repair
in several areas.  I do not think it is worth the disruption to regular
Noisebridge operations to do the full sanding/refinishing that we did on
the rest of the floor, which despite its beautiful results was arduous
and timeconsuming and made a ton of dust and fumes.  My plan is this:

1. patch with flooring
2. clean
3. putty
4. paint

There were only three areas that needed significant patching with
replacement floorboards.  We got a lot of the patching done yesterday;
there's a big area by the bathroom that still requires work.  Initial
sweeping and vaccuuming has also been done but more is needed,
especially as the floorboard patching generates sawdust.


These are the next tasks, which can be done to some degree in parallel.
Pick any that you feel confident of doing:

* clean the bathroom! We had to take the door off the hinges for a bit
and a lot of dust and mess got in, which I didn't notice until I was
about to leave and had no more effort left to clean up.

* move more Stuff off of this part of the floor.  There are some rolling
metal shelves and some beams that weren't yet in our way that we haven't
relocated yet.  Mostly stuff is in the rear classroom; that's not usable
now so might as well put the rest in there.

* patch the floor!  There are more reclaimed floorboards in the south
stairwell.  Nails are in the new bathroom, hammers & saws in the shop.
If you're not familiar with the tongue-and-groove joins that these
boards have, either research it or do a different job.

* sweep and/or vaccuum.  Concentrate on the end away from the bathroom
as the repairing there will generate more sawdust.  Once an area is
pretty dust-free it can be puttied!

* putty the gaps!  There are three one-gallon containers of putty just
by the kitchen in the central walkway.  Putty knives in the workshop.
Mark the wet areas with tape or something when you're done so people
know not to step there.  (Hint: Start in the corners and work out.)

I'll be back Monday evening to continue with this work.  If you are
interested in helping but would like more direction than the above,
please show up and I will absolutely tell you exactly what to do!

Many thanks to the people who have worked on this so far (I am sure I am
leaving someone out, sorry):  Scott, Matt H, Erin, BJ, Sai, Chris L,
Xander, mct, and a couple people whose names I did not catch.


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