[Noisebridge-discuss] LAN party gaming group: Please stop using Noisebridge resources for your own personal enjoyment of computer game play

Rubin Abdi rubin at starset.net
Mon Oct 4 07:08:02 UTC 2010

Robert Fletcher wrote, On 20101003 204642:
> Rubin, I would love to argue each one of your points, seeing as how they're
> all either blown vastly out of proportion or, in most cases, entirely
> false.  However, more important, I think, is to discuss the act of sending
> flaming messages to the list, and how such thoughtless criticism negatively
> affects the culture of the space.  I've met a number of awesome people who
> have visited Noisebridge only to stop coming specifically because of having
> had a run in with someone like you.  This is not excellent behavior, and
> whatever contributions you make to Noisebridge are negated completely by
> driving off great people who can bring awesome things to the space given
> enough acceptance to express themselves.  Just because you don't like
> something that doesn't make it invalid.  I don't find a great deal of value
> in parties that result in someone being shipped off to Singapore for a day,
> but that doesn't mean I think it has any less right to be there.  (Though,
> admittedly, I voted for the Singapore option, too.  I don't think
> Noisebridge needs any more phalluses...or dicks.)

Actually if I don't like something it does make it invalid to me, which
is why I more or less stated that in my previous email.

Non-excellent behavior is in the eye of the beholder my friend.

> Bottom line is, if you have concerns about something related to Zergbridge
> or otherwise, by all means talk to us.  I assure you, we're all very
> reasonable and friendly people, and as much as anything we want to make a
> positive contribution to Noisebridge.  You aren't winning any battles or any
> friends by sending out passive aggressive notes full of unsubstantiated
> arguments while we happen to be sitting ten feet away.

I am talking to you, over this list, as it pertains to the space, giving
you and the group you're involved with to come up with articulate
responses, such as this.

Considering that the 10something people who came up to me after I fired
off my initial email regarding this, all agreed with my view point and
more or less said "I've been wanting to say something to them for a
while" if this was a battle I haven't had anyone come by and punch me in
the face then call the cops in the name of France yet.

> Regarding the official details of Zergbridge, we meet every Saturday at 3pm,
> do programming and video game development until 6:30 or 7, and then we
> proceed with the slaughtering of innocent zombies.  It's all on the wiki.
> My apologies for the noise violation, Jason--we should have been more aware
> of our surroundings.  It's definitely a priority now to keep ourselves in
> the same room and keep the noise at a reasonable level.

My pubes are on the wiki, though I've been told I'm not allowed to flash
them in the space anymore, as it turns out they're not currently part of
any creative projects.

Rubin Abdi
rubin at starset.net

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