[Noisebridge-discuss] Electricity usage at the space is up UP UP

Danny O'Brien danny at spesh.com
Wed Jun 22 06:50:02 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:36 PM, Danny O'Brien <danny at spesh.com> wrote:

> Our electricity usage has been climbing for some time, and it'd be
> good to know why, and how we might lower those costs.  This time last
> year we were average 38.63kWh a day. Now we are running at 71.16kWh.
> [2]

Oh wait: actually those figures don't include both meters: it's
actually an annual shift from 61.63kWh to 107.5kWh -- both metered
amounts have grown, but by different ratios.

Hold on, let me fiddle around to make that more dramatic. Okay, I've
got it -- our electron devouring has increased by a third!


> So, turn things off! Add suggestions of things to turn off in a long
> thread after this message! Put post-it notes on things, instructing
> people to turn things off in a comradely way!

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