[Noisebridge-discuss] Noisetor money summary

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Wed Nov 30 04:50:12 UTC 2011

Apologies that I can't come to the meeting tonight; I'm sick in bed.

Noisetor pays our vendor $787 on the 8th of each month, starting

According to the Paypal information feed -- which is not canonical, but
does appear to be complete based on my survey -- we have the following.

Month                              Donations
---------                          ---------
August 2011                         $460.00
September 2011                       890.00
October 2011                         322.00
November 2011                        533.00

Total donations received:          $2205.00
8% overhead:                        (176.40)
Net Noisetor donations:             2028.60

September bill:                     (787.00)
October bill:                       (787.00)
Balance:                             454.60

Pending expenses:

November bill:                      (787.00)
Pending balance:                    (332.40)

As a matter of fact, we've already paid the November bill (I guess Kelly
wanted to get it done early just in case?).


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