[Noisebridge-discuss] Meeting Minutes

Tom noisebridge at flamsmark.com
Thu Oct 13 06:58:07 UTC 2011

The minutes from yesterday's meeting have been posted at:

- We have started a **Friends of Noisebridge** wall where you should put a
photo and some info about you to help welcome new folks to the space.
- We have ***21486.50*** ducats in our bucket, and have not touched the
reserve $15000 in over a month.
- Dan Cote is a new member. Congrats Dan! Please pay your dues.
- It is the consensus of Noisebridge to spend a net sum of $1000 for a
contractor to retrofit our lighting for efficiency.
- We reached consensus regarding how to deal with Rob 2.0:

> Be it the consensus of Noisebridge that the issue of banning Rob 2.0
> (a.k.a. Dank) be deferred until either he or his advocate Mitch or Kelly,
> gives fair notice and attends a meeting. Until that time he is unwelcome at
> Noisebridge.
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