[Noisebridge-discuss] Noisegate source code on GitHub

Josh Juran jjuran at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 09:53:46 UTC 2013

Noisegate is an Android app providing a virtual keypad for unlocking  
the front gate to Noisebridge.  The source code is available on  
GitHub and distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 (or later).


A compiled application package can be downloaded from the World-Wide  
Web: <http://www.jjuran.org/Noisegate-debug.apk>  (If you're browsing  
from your phone, just go to "jjuran.org" and then click the Noisegate- 
debug.apk link.)  If you don't feel comfortable installing the  
package, you're welcome to download the source and build it yourself.

The latest Noisegate (source and binary) adds a subtle color  
animation when a virtual key is released.  Thanks to refactoring, the  
resulting binary is actually slightly smaller.

Share and enjoy!


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