[Noisebridge-discuss] Docents

Al Sweigart asweigart at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 01:29:09 UTC 2013

It would help clarify what is expected and have a consistent guideline for
docents/redshirts/whoever to read that was accepted by the community.
Currently, consensus makes this impossible because for any rule someone
will object and block.

My current solution is to email the list saying "I'm going to throw out old
food/toss stuff on the floor of the member shelves/wake up and boot
sleepers to the mailing list" and see who objects. This is not sustainable,
and it unfairly favors people with strong and willful personalities.

Having community-approved guidelines is an obvious solution (and sidesteps
the creepy rule-enforcer problem) but one that consensus makes impossible.
I know I sound like a broken record when I say "consensus causes problems",
but that's because consensus is pretty broad when it comes to the problems
it creates.


On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Johny Radio <johnyradio at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12/23/2013 3:55:02 PM, "Danny O'Brien" <danny at spesh.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Johny Radio <johnyradio at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>  Do i take that to mean you agree to a new-user orientation process?
>> I *always* like that idea. I've proposed it myself.
> I recall Tom and Miloh laughed at this proposal when i made it at a
> meeting, and also made a laughing reference about you making the same
> proposal.
>  The only problem I have noted in the past is the people who volunteer
>> to do this kind of docenting/redshirting occasionally turn out to be
>> some of the creepiest people at Noisebridge, and use it to assert
>> random authority on strangers and/or establish some pecking order in
>> the social community that hangs out at Noisebridge.
> New-user orientation doesn't necessarily have to be the docents, but
> that's a natural fit.
> In my observation, creepiness and bullyism has been a much bigger problem
> with nb's current vigilante method. Our current "everybody's a cop" method
> has no consistent monitoring of self-appointed enforcers built into it, no
> consistent interpretation of policy, no consistent enforcement, no clear
> opportunity for grievance.
> A Docent group, which meets monthly, can monitor itself for creepiness. A
> Docent group is an entity users can approach with complaints (without
> consuming Tuesday meeting time).
> About using Consensus and Tuesday meetings for every grievance, every new
> member, every topic, every policy is TOO simple. A famous brainiac once
> said “Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
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