[Noisebridge-discuss] Member shelves

Ronald Cotoni setient at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 07:02:49 UTC 2013

Best yet would be someone at noisebridge, who knows the workings.  Maybe
this thing called a Member, telling visitors all about the space all the
time!  That way people understand noisebridge.  Maybe that would work.
Like the red shirts, but actually the whole membership taking an interest
in the space.  That might work.  Taking an interest that is and being at
the space and helping educate people.  Won't happen though.  sadpandas.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Al Sweigart <asweigart at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think even if NB didn't have an open door policy, we would still very
> much need locks. :)
> This would be a good project for someone to take on:
> 1) Go through the member shelves and find everyone's name from the label.
> 2) Figure out their contact info from the mailing list or Google.
> 3) Contact them and ask if they a) still need their shelf and b) if they
> need the full shelf or are willing to divide it in half.
> 4) Set a date a month or so in the future for people to clear out their
> stuff from shelves, including unmarked shelves.
> 5) Make a good faith attempt to find the owners of things, but for
> everything else, chuck it or put it in the hack shelves, or set it to the
> side somewhere.
> 6) Label all the member shelves in a consistent way, including with an
> address system, find people who want shelves and let them claim one.
> Anyone want to bell this cat? Having usable member shelves would be nice.
> General reminder: deadline for getting stuff off the floor of the member
> shelves is January 5th, in a couple weeks.
> -Al
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Johny Radio <johnyradio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On 12/23/2013 1:50:09 PM, "Al Sweigart" <asweigart at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  a lot of the shelves I think have been plain forgotten about.
>> I have found old threads on Discuss about purging the member shelves. The
>> nb cycle of binge-purge-binge-purge is not healthy. A process COULD be
>> setup to ensure people don't abandon their stuff.
>>  This was one of the things my locker proposal tried to solve: making
>> sure that the space had storage resources that were available, offered a
>> degree of security, and explicitly maintained by a person rather than a
>> group diffusion of responsibility.
>>  Thanks for that, Al. If NB did *not *have an open door policy, i think
>> that would reduce the need for locks.
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Ronald Cotoni
Systems Engineer
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