[Noisebridge-discuss] Member shelves

Hannah Grimm dharlette at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 18:09:48 UTC 2013

I'm totally in favor of requiring that X be done within 3 months to
indicate that you're still using your shelf, and then purging the shelves
after 6 months and throwing out/giving away everything on them.

If you can't visit NB once every three months, then you're definitely not
an active participant in the physical space who needs a shelf.

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 7:02 AM, Ronald Cotoni <setient at gmail.com> wrote:

> Best yet would be someone at noisebridge, who knows the workings.  Maybe
> this thing called a Member, telling visitors all about the space all the
> time!  That way people understand noisebridge.  Maybe that would work.
> Like the red shirts, but actually the whole membership taking an interest
> in the space.  That might work.  Taking an interest that is and being at
> the space and helping educate people.  Won't happen though.  sadpandas.
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Al Sweigart <asweigart at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think even if NB didn't have an open door policy, we would still very
>> much need locks. :)
>> This would be a good project for someone to take on:
>> 1) Go through the member shelves and find everyone's name from the label.
>> 2) Figure out their contact info from the mailing list or Google.
>> 3) Contact them and ask if they a) still need their shelf and b) if they
>> need the full shelf or are willing to divide it in half.
>> 4) Set a date a month or so in the future for people to clear out their
>> stuff from shelves, including unmarked shelves.
>> 5) Make a good faith attempt to find the owners of things, but for
>> everything else, chuck it or put it in the hack shelves, or set it to the
>> side somewhere.
>> 6) Label all the member shelves in a consistent way, including with an
>> address system, find people who want shelves and let them claim one.
>> Anyone want to bell this cat? Having usable member shelves would be nice.
>> General reminder: deadline for getting stuff off the floor of the member
>> shelves is January 5th, in a couple weeks.
>> -Al
>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Johny Radio <johnyradio at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>  On 12/23/2013 1:50:09 PM, "Al Sweigart" <asweigart at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  a lot of the shelves I think have been plain forgotten about.
>>> I have found old threads on Discuss about purging the member shelves.
>>> The nb cycle of binge-purge-binge-purge is not healthy. A process COULD be
>>> setup to ensure people don't abandon their stuff.
>>>  This was one of the things my locker proposal tried to solve: making
>>> sure that the space had storage resources that were available, offered a
>>> degree of security, and explicitly maintained by a person rather than a
>>> group diffusion of responsibility.
>>>  Thanks for that, Al. If NB did *not *have an open door policy, i think
>>> that would reduce the need for locks.
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> --
> Ronald Cotoni
> Systems Engineer
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