[Noisebridge-discuss] Oppressive Behavior

Curtis Gagliardi gagliardi.curtis at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 21:05:40 UTC 2013

I didn't realize cultural appropriation warranted kicking someone out of 
the space.  It seems pretty sad to ask someone who's using the space 
productively to leave because they said something as insignificant as 
"Whatup, my nigga?".   If you've got a problem with that kind of speech, 
talk to them about it, it's not like it's overtly or intentionally hateful.

I can't argue against the fact that whether or not you qualify as a 
hacker has anything to do with whether or not you're being a dick, but 
it sure is frustrating to hear about someone who's not using the space 
to make anything actively removing people who are.

On 12/29/2013 11:35 AM, hep wrote:
> agree with the above.
> #1 being part of one minority community does not absolve you of use of 
> oppressive tools against another minority community.
> #2 it is ALWAYS offensive when white people use the N word. I don't 
> give a fuck who told you ok. I don't give a fuck if you used it with 
> "a" and not "er". it is racist, offensive, and often when used with 
> "positive intent" (like in this case) has huge overtones of cultural 
> appropriation.
> #3 a "white person doing black lingo" is pretty much the definition of 
> cultural appropriation and oppression. if it is a white person who 
> grew up around communities of color and lower class communities where 
> such "lingo" is the norm, that is one thing. (shoutouts to eminem, who 
> btw always took it pretty hard for using the n word in his early work, 
> something he has had to repeatedly apologize for despite growing up in 
> the culture where such language was the norm.) but in that case a 
> white person should be even more aware of the politics surrounding the 
> use of that word by a white person. no free pass. it is one thing to 
> be from classes where hiphop is the prevailing music, and street 
> culture is a part of your culture. it is another to ignore centuries 
> of oppression of one class of people, to ignore the fact that today in 
> white america people of color are still being treated as second class 
> citizens and  to ignore their voices about that word being deployed by 
> the class who kept them down.
> Also: allies are allowed to call people out about oppression fyi. Just 
> because the person was a white man, doesn't make his point that that 
> kind of language is absolutely not ok. In fact, we NEED allies because 
> often people of color and other oppressed classes are talked over or 
> ignored unless and until a white male speaks up on their behalf.
> -hep
> On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Alexandra Glowaski 
> <alex.glowaski at gmail.com <mailto:alex.glowaski at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I won't comment on this particular incident, but:
>     . Building stuff / not building stuff has nothing to do with
>     whether or not one is being a dick.
>     . Being a part of one minority community doesn't give one a free
>     pass regarding other communities - or even one's own. (There are
>     plenty of women I consider grossly sexist, plenty of gay people
>     who are considered racist or homophobic, plenty of racial-minority
>     people who are homophobic and/or misogynist...)
>     These dialogues help us become more wonderful, though...
>     Stopped in yesterday and everybody was cozied up in front of the
>     big projector, watching a live broadcast from 30c3. It's marvelous
>     to have such a close connection with this event half a world away,
>     attended by children of Consenso. Similarly, our dialogues are
>     triggering others, and the ongoing discussion itself helps us
>     create a better environment for hackers everywhere.
>     take it easy,
>     merlin.
>     On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Johny Radio
>     <johnyradio at gmail.com <mailto:johnyradio at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         A lesbian female hacker by the name of Sara came to hack at
>         Noisebridge. She cut some bookshelves for her tiny new abode,
>         and built a platform for her bed.
>         This lesbian female hacker is also a fledgling comedienne.
>         Part of her cultural background (like mine) is rap music and
>         lyrics. She's been know to sling some street lingo, including
>         the "N" word.
>         (warning, the following sentence may violate Noisebridge's
>         harrassment policy; if anyone bans me from noisebridge as a
>         result, i shall respect that)
>         According to herself, Sara used the "n" word at Noisebridge,
>         as part of her white lesbian does black lingo persona. Prolly
>         something along the lines of "Whatup, my nigga?"
>         Sara was forced out of Noisebridge by Pigeon for using
>         "oppressive language", after a lot of accusational shouting.
>         Is it an act of oppression, when a lesbian female hacker
>         (builds stuff) is driven out of Noisebridge, with hostility,
>         by a white male non-hacker (doesn't build anything) for "using
>         oppressive language"?
>         Or does it just prove how wonderful Noisebridge has become?
>         Johny Radio
>         Communication is healthier than accusation
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> hep
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