[Noisebridge-discuss] Oppressive Behavior
Charles Tang
cjtang1 at asu.edu
Mon Dec 30 01:27:57 UTC 2013
To clarify the above is not a justification of cultural relativism or
complete nihilism with regard to words.
It's just an argument that exclusion should be examined a bit more before
decisions are made with regard to words. Otherwise, the function of
exclusion can snowball, or just be inherently hypocritical.
On 29 December 2013 16:42, Charles Tang <cjtang1 at asu.edu> wrote:
> There is a difference between appropriation and reappropriation.
> It really depends on how this individual identifies and how the group
> around identifies. I don't think language constructs a bright line. If we
> are to delve into semiotics here, there are too many experiences, life
> circumstances and abridging history of the word to come to a conclusion of
> exclusion.
> Take for instance the use of gendered pronouns. If one does not identify
> with conflated archetypes of sex, they may want to use a different pronoun
> to describe themselves. This upheaval is an attempt to rewrite a dominant
> cultural narrative as to who or what one can be conceived with relation to
> their body.
> The same upheaval can be applied to archetypes of race, whereby one in
> their own whiteness or any other color or affiliation seeks to upheave
> their whiteness in an alternative racial narrative. It comes down to if
> someone is using the term in a pejorative sense and if the instance it is
> cultural appropriation or a reappropriation entrenched in an alternative
> identity or schemata as to how one wants to be perceived.
> Now, if an individual was to exclude on perceptual appropriation, we are
> excluding others who cannot exist within the strict circles of racial
> identity. For example, I'm half Chinese and half Irish. If we can exclude,
> were am I allowed to exist in reappropiration. Specifically, where am I
> allowed to take back power over my own identity? Perhaps this exclusion
> would justify excluding me, as I do not have a discrete identity. What
> words can I speak about whiteness, when I'm not entirely white? What words
> can I speak about my Asian decent, when I'm not entirely Asian. Such a
> discourse of impossibility of existence within the racial strata
> articulates that I can't, because reappropration should not exist for those
> who are not entirely classified by essentialist functions within a social
> space.
> The strictest definition and articulation of dominance comes from complete
> censorship. One cannot articulate an ontology in such a social space
> because of policing of boundaries. Much can be said of this function as
> discourse does construct reality. Where am I allowed to take back my
> identity, where am I allowed to take back power over a word with relation
> to my identity? Where does this policing recreate the boundaries it seeks
> to police? And does the exclusion recreate the same social functions that
> allow the dominant narration to exist in place.
> Just my 2cents. Word boarders are hard to consecrate within frameworks,
> because intended meanings are different to perceptual meanings.
> Particularly with race narration, identity politics abounds and borders
> become salient with relation to their own controversy. Conversely, it
> repoliticizes these borders and depoliticizes attempts to strip the words
> of their exclusionary value.
> On 29 December 2013 16:02, Johny Radio <johnyradio at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 12/29/2013 1:43:05 PM, "Jeffrey Carl Faden" <jeffreyatw at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> It mentions positive purposes.
>> That's a really good point. I like that part of the verbiage.
>> If you have a problem with the policy, please send a pull request to the
>> GitHub repository or ask for help to do so.
>> -we can change verbiage of a policy after it's been consensed on? (that
>> could be a good way)
>> -github, and not the nb wiki, is now the place we where collaborate on nb
>> documents? (i don't object to cloud tools, but i would also be fine with
>> 100% on-site nb services)
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