[Noisebridge-discuss] Girls Hack

Hilaire Nollette metatecque at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 23:45:21 UTC 2013

Because I come from a background of education, i may read between the lines
where others don't...
They need a Lab... All the good labs of the 90's that were built for the
schools have become sadly deprecated (why can't we have nice things?)
Noisebridge has a fully functional electronics lab, and then some.

I am hearing from educators all over the bay (and the US) that technical
education is severely lacking in public-schools.

Can we be that Gap filler?
I am happy to teach, and I know others are.
I see Noisebridge as a "sandbox" where we can develop a model that makes
learning fun and easy.

Lemme see some positive feedback, please?

And Thank You,
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