[Noisebridge-discuss] Girls Hack

Danny O'Brien danny at spesh.com
Fri Oct 18 06:45:50 UTC 2013

So, not really wishing to presume anything here, but just to let you both
know that there's a fairly long and proud tradition of creepy people
latching onto women's empowerment projects, anti-rape actions, and feminist
agit-prop, so this upfront demonstration of your credentials may not
actually be having the wider effect you're hoping it will. For instance,
there's that whole Hugo Schwyzer thing. And, closer to home, one of the
guys we had to swiftly ban from visiting Noisebridge because of his past
history stalking women, and present history of sneaking into people's
houses and leering over their beds while they slept, that guy was ALL ABOUT
attending the anti-rape marches.

It's actually -- and I know this will be intensely frustrating, because
what are you SUPPOSED to do, right? -- a bit of an indicator of creepiness.
You pretty much have to fight off the creepy people from such events with a
giant creep-resistant creepstick.

For instance, at least for me, this whole thread  actually making me *more*
uncomfortable, because it feels like you're using the situation of other
people and using them to defend your own positions. I mean, I rarely
actually respond to people going "you're a bit classist" by going no
actually my sister is totally cockney, and I spent a lot of time working
with working class people, they're great. That would be ... weird, no? And
imply for all my loveliness I still somewhat view that segment of the world
as a external objectified other that I am nevertheless strangely and
persistently fascinated with.

The actual better strategy is to go "oh huh I had not thought about my
words or actions being interpreted that way, thanks for the head's up!".
And then, you know, you have some cycles to consider what you've done, and
plenty more time to plot the downfall of the evil radfem conspiracy and/or
destruction of hoi-polloi more quietly offline.



On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Andrew Byrne <andrew at pachakutech.com>wrote:

> Aw, I thought that was just to me! *kicks dirt*
> On Oct 17, 2013 5:55 PM, "Johny Radio" <johnyradio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On 10/17/2013 3:27 PM, spinach williams wrote:
>> that's pretty cool, but why do you bring it up?
>> i was inspired by that cool Mother Jones article posted by Holly McDede
>> about tech inventions by women.
>> --
>> Johny Radio
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