[Noisebridge-discuss] Girls Hack

Joe Morgan joemorgan502 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 23 02:01:14 UTC 2013

As someone who is in the space, right now, sitting to the right of maestro, watching
him browse Bitcoin(tm) daytrading websites, I just watched a mother show her young daughter
around the space.  They even poked their head into the dirty shop and emerged with all limbs intact. 

Right now the space is full of people hacking away on radio, theremins, public policy and SEO.

I don't see any Creepers but I haven't asked anyone to produce ID.

In all seriousness the space is pretty awesome right now.  Maybe this only happens on Tuesdays.

On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 5:30 PM, Hannah Grimm <dharlette at gmail.com> wrote:
I think it's awesome that you're working towards this; however, as someone who teaches 11-13 year olds, I absolutely do not think that Noisebridge is currently a safe place for them.  We harbored a known pedophile for months, and there were people in the community who knew his history, but he wasn't removed from the space until after he punched someone in the neck.  If you want to do this, then be ready to stand guard eagle-eyed and actively defend them and remove the creepers for their vicinity.  Don't get me wrong, we're absolutely making progress as a community, but I'd be wary of bringing young girls in.  I think it might do more to discourage them than encourage them, to be honest.

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Andrew Byrne <andrew at pachakutech.com> wrote:

And a relevant link from our intrepid reporter, Holly McDede:
>Ladies Last: 8 Inventions by Women That Dudes Got Credit For
>From computer programming to nuclear fission to the paper bag machine, it's time to stop erasing these women from their great works
>Good read; I knew about Pert, but only b/c Sol Snyder is a legendary prick like that.
>On Oct 17, 2013 4:45 PM, "Hilaire Nollette" <metatecque at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Because I come from a background of education, i may read between the lines where others don't...
>>They need a Lab... All the good labs of the 90's that were built for the 
schools have become sadly deprecated (why can't we have nice things?)
>>Noisebridge has a fully functional electronics lab, and then some.
>>I am hearing from educators all over the bay (and the US) that technical education is severely lacking in public-schools. 
Can we be that Gap filler? 
>>I am happy to teach, and I know others are. 
>>I see Noisebridge as a "sandbox" where we can develop a model that makes learning fun and easy. 
>>Lemme see some positive feedback, please?
>>And Thank You,
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