[Noisebridge-discuss] Five Minutes of Fame: This Thursday @ 8 PM!

Torrie Fischer tdfischer at hackerbots.net
Tue Aug 18 03:16:22 UTC 2015

Did you know that we're in a drought?

An ASCII art unicorn drought. The worst I've seen in years.

Its true! And totally not a coverup for me failing to announce this month's 
5mof more than a few days in advance! I couldn't produce any good arts due to 
this drought.

   _  _   _____ __  __  ____  ______
 _| || |_| ____|  \/  |/ __ \|  ____| Noisebridge 8PM third Thursdays
|_  __  _| |__ | \  / | |  | | |__    Six Years of Childlike Wonder and
 _| || |_|___ \| |\/| | |  | |  __|   Adult Technological Themes in
|_  __  _|___) | |  | | |__| | |      San Francisco's 1335th Finest
  |_||_| |____/|_|  |_|\____/|_|      Hacker Show and Tell.

Thurs August the 20th, 8PM, Noisebridge, 2169 Mission St, SF, CA, Earth Prime


An excellent question.

For an hour, ten people will be given five minutes each to talk about whatever 
they want. For those five minutes, the audience's complete and total attention 
is in the hands of the presenter. Presenters are encouraged to blow their 
minds using this awesome power granted to them for those five minutes.

If you've got a presentation in mind, let me know! Ping me with your nym and 
optionally a title for your presentation if you have one:

tdfischer at hackerbots.net PGP: C40F2998

You'll be added to the stack for consumption by our turing-complete MC. I will 
email you the week of to politely remind you of your sacrifice for the greater 
good, and another ping the night before to arrange any special presentation 
requests. Slides are not required but visual aids make it more entertaining 
especially if they can be set on fire at the end.

Last minute entries during 5mof itself are welcome, encouraged, and totally 
normal! If you feel like you don't have time for it, thats cool too since SO 
MANY PEOPLE are apparently also "getting ready" for "burning man".

 _    _            _      _   _            _____  _                  _   _ 
| |  | |          | |    | | | |          |  __ \| |                | | | |
| |__| | __ _  ___| | __ | |_| |__   ___  | |__) | | __ _ _ __   ___| |_| |
|  __  |/ _` |/ __| |/ / | __| '_ \ / _ \ |  ___/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __| |
| |  | | (_| | (__|   <  | |_| | | |  __/ | |    | | (_| | | | |  __/ |_|_|
|_|  |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\  \__|_| |_|\___| |_|    |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__(_)

(This one might be late, but we've already got two folks signed up!)
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