[Noisebridge-discuss] Tonight: An Action-and-UTF-8-packed Five Minutes of Fame @ 8PM

Torrie Fischer tdfischer at hackerbots.net
Thu Aug 20 15:37:11 UTC 2015


Its been about a month since the last Five Minutes of Fame, huh?

The last few years worth of them have been a roaring success, so there must 
still be some great ideas out there, yeah? Lets suss them out and exploit them 
for summa dat sweet sweet VC!

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     |===|===|  / _| || |_| ____| Noisebridge 8PM third Thursdays     \___
      |  |  |  / |_  __  _| |__   Years and Years of Childlike Wonder and \
      |  |  |  |  _| || |_|___ \  Adult Technological Themes in           |
      |  |  |  | |_  __  _|___) | San Francisco's 82.9th Finest          /
       |=|=|   |   |_||_| |____/  Hacker Show and Tell.                 /
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      |  |  |  | |  \/  |/ __ \|  ____|                               /
      |  |  |  | | \  / | |  | | |__    THIS WEEK!                   /
      |  |  |  | | |\/| | |  | |  __|     FAME! FIVE MINUTES OF IT!  |
      |==|==|  | | |  | | |__| | |       ITS ON A THURSDAY! AGAIN!   |
     |   |   | | |_|  |_|\____/|_|            OH YEAH, AT 8PM!      /
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Five Minutes of Fame is Noisebridge's "monthly" "interactive" "event".

For an hour, ten people will be given five minutes each to talk about whatever 
they want. For those five minutes, the audience's complete and total attention 
is in the hands of the presenter. Presenters are encouraged to blow their 
minds using this awesome power granted to them for those five minutes.

If you've got a presentation in mind, let me know! Ping me with your nym and 
optionally a title for your presentation if you have one:

tdfischer at hackerbots.net PGP: C40F2998

Last minute entries during 5mof itself are welcome, encouraged, and totally 

Some brief highlights from this month's speaker queue:

- In Defense of Mayonnaise (v., gf.)
- hitRECord, the collaborative community
- Neural networks that compose music and its not more pictures of puppyslugs

This month we actually have a record *SIX* individuals signed up, and that was 
as of Tuesday~

Bring a friend! Bring an artificial construct! Bring that One Weird Trick that 
causes librarians to hate you with everything in their dark, empty hearts!

If you've got a date tonight, bail on it and tell them that you're going to 
5mof instead; they'll understand and be yours forever! <3 <3 <3

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See you there [:
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