[Noisebridge-discuss] Fwd: Tearing down of lost pet flyers

Naomi Most pnaomi at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 07:23:59 UTC 2015

Just wanted to forward this fascinating bit of San Francisco not-so-minutia
to the list --

I have long lamented the lack of posters and flyers on poles in the Bay
Area, particularly in Oakland w with its city motto of "keep Oakland

In Toronto, flyers were how I figured out what was going on and what looked
like fun to explore in a neighborhood.  It was a good way to get a sense of
the local culture.

Around SF, the lack of posting in many areas makes a lot of neighborhoods
seem devoid of culture.  I wonder if this "Neighbors for Clean
Neighborhoods" thing is to blame?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nextdoor SW Inner Richmond <reply at rs.email.nextdoor.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:41 PM
Subject: Tearing down of lost pet flyers
To: pnaomi at gmail.com

 SW Inner Richmond
Just want to put everyone on high alert for a group called "Neighbors for
Clean Neighborhoods" (or variations thereof) that have, for years, been
responsible for tearing down lost pet flyers-supposedly, the Inner Richmond
is a hot spot for them, altho they have worked in other areas. Arguably
flyers on street poles are the most effective way to get an animal back
home, and these people are indeed jeopardizing not only the welfare, but
the very lives of our pets. The group is fictitious and sends a
professionally written letter listing codes and threatens litigation-please
contact the City Attorney's office if you receive such a letter. It is NOT
illegal to post as long as done properly-these obsessed people don't care
about how you post; they don't want any postings, period. DPW has not the
time, money, or inclination to remove postings. Unless you should see a
white city truck, with the gold, round city emblem, it is not DPW. There
was a Caucasian man, about 5'8", salt and pepper hair, late '30's, with a
safety vest (to appear as a utility worker) who was seen tearing them down
in past. Please call non-emergency police (553-0123) if you see him-he is
mis-representing himself. I would be very interested if anyone has had any
experiences with this group. Also would greatly appreciate if all could
please be on lookout for black and white, feral cats. Also, some notices
about other missing cats posted recently.
Many thanks.
   Feb 26 <#14bc9569a07b6b1c_> in General
to 9 neighborhoods

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