[Noisebridge-discuss] MaptimeSF at Noisebridge potentially

Matthew McKenna mpmckenna8 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 02:25:41 UTC 2016

Hey Noisebridge, 

I’d like to help organize a Maptime meeting about once a month at Noisebridge. Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering educational support for beginners and a platform for those who want to share their knowledge.  For a more in-depth look at what Maptime is all about check out the website http://maptime.io/ <http://maptime.io/>.  
Some projects I have in mind would be to have a night where we try to render maps and map animations on the FlaschenTaschen and another is having people make handrawn maps and reviewing going over some basic cartographic principles.   

There are already a bunch of learning materials and lesson plans http://maptime.io/lessons-resources/ <http://maptime.io/lessons-resources/> which just need excellent space and people.  I brought one of the main organizers to the space Tuesday and he thinks it would be great for smaller Maptime meetings and project night type things.  We were going to attend the general meeting (for 2016 05 31) but it didn’t seem to be happening so I’ll try again next week.  

Ideally we could meet in Church, as a fair number of people usually RSVP and show up to MaptimeSFs.  Friday afternoon or evening looked pretty free from the wiki but I’ll be sure to check in person also.  Initially thinking the third Friday of each month. 

Let me know if you’d be interested in helping out or have any suggestions.  I also recommend checking out the MaptimeOak hack night http://www.meetup.com/Maptime-SF/events/230250574/ <http://www.meetup.com/Maptime-SF/events/230250574/> if you can make it and you’re interested in geostuff. 

Matthew McKenna 
mpmckenna8 at gmail.com <mailto:mpmckenna8 at gmail.com>

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