[Sem] SEM startup

Larry Ackerman larry at SaintRubidium.com
Sun Feb 28 06:20:39 UTC 2010

The SEM exterior has been cleaned up a bit. Initially the rotary pump 
did not start but Mike determined that the cable was not plugged in 
properly. A new label indicates the proper position. Subsequently vacuum 
was attained. There was no dark current reading but when emission was 
turned up a current did appear but no image signal was visible on the 
monitor. I was out of time so shut it down.

I cleaned all the column parts that were in the parts box. They are 
wrapped in optical cloth.  Please do not touch them with bare skin. I 
will bring some optical  tissue next time for handling parts. 

Pleased to meet Joachim for a few minutes.

Larry Ackerman
San Francisco

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