[CQ] so, any new hams?

Jonathan Lassoff jof at thejof.com
Mon Nov 23 19:04:33 UTC 2009

Excerpts from Mark Cohen's message of Mon Nov 23 10:56:51 -0800 2009:
> As for what they tell you when you take the test, they have to tell you if you
> pass or fail, but they don't tell you (and can't technically) how many you fail
> by. You will know if you did exceptionally well if they ask if you want to try
> for the next test up :) 

Interesting. When I went to take my General test (down in Cupertino I
think, not sure which VEC), they graded it right in front of me, and we
even chatted about which were wrong and why.
I don't see a reason to hide what they're doing in this type of setup.

I passed by a modest margin and they encouraged me to take the extra
test anyway.

-- jof (kg6thi)

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