[CQ] Spotlight Haiti: Please share your notes

Greg Albrecht KF4MKT gba at gregalbrecht.com
Sun Jan 17 01:14:08 UTC 2010

Hi All,
Many important relief efforts are taking place right now in Haiti and
I want to make sure that the people on my Red Cross Disaster
Communications team and the communications savvy members of
Noisebridge are taking notes. Our groups have been given an
opportunity to witness a humanitarian crisis emerge real time via
numerous traditional and new media outlets. This crisis is the kind of
event that we hope against all odds will never happen, but plan
against time to prepare for.

Please take your time in capturing this moment and try think about how
you would prepare yourself, your friends, your community and your
preferred social structures (your anarchist collective or your local
government). Take notes, save reports, pictures, and anything that you
find worthy. Some examples of the types of useful details are:

1) logistics in and out of the effected areas
2) communications resilience and usage in the effected areas
3) coordination of resources from unsolicited entities
4) previously ignored assets now of use in the effected areas

My hope is that at some point in the next month we can get together as
groups and discuss what we saw (or perceived) and use it to train
ourselves. Think of this as the worse case Use Case.


Greg Albrecht (gba at gregalbrecht.com) KF4MKT
Mobile: 1-310-621-9598

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