[Noisebridge-discuss] OT: California Extreme This Weekend - Classic Videogame and Pinball Show!

Lee Sonko lee at lee.org
Wed Jul 8 05:51:01 UTC 2009

I have my ticket to California Extreme(http://www.caextreme.org), the
classic arcade games show! A roomful of classic video games set to free
play! It's this weekend in San Jose.

I am driving down from San Francisco early Saturday morning (7am?) to visit
the Electronics Flea Market at De Anza College
(http://www.electronicsfleamarket.com/). And then it's over to play video
games all day and night until my hands ache and my eyes bleed! It'll be
awesome! I'm hesitant to offer a carpool ride because I'm not sure how long
it will take for my eyes to bleed sufficiently for me to decide to leave...

I am hoping and hoping that they have my two all-time favorite coin operated
games, R-Type and Cabal! I put a lot of quarters into those machines on
lunch breaks during high school when I was working for Sears Business
Systems! It would be an ecstatic joy for me to be able to beat Cabal on a
single quarter again.


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