[Noisebridge-discuss] anyone an expert at Processing

Adam Skory askory at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 02:17:56 UTC 2009

> by no means an expert (since the muralizer didn't use the libraries at
> all on the avr side), but it is what the 'official' arduino runtime
> uses. basically, it is a 'front-end' to c++ so you can use their
> libraries and mix in 'foreign' goo pretty easily.

Well, no. ( From http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ComparisonProcessing ):

"The Arduino language (based on Wiring) is implemented in C, and
therefore has some differences from the Processing language, which is
based on Java."

I actually randomly started playing with Processing a couple days ago
and, having never previously touched Java, caused myself a fair amount
of confusion from the above fact.

I would be super on board if any Processing experts wanted to have
another workshop!

Of course the problems I'm having (timing of serial communication
between Processing and an Arduino) are quite possibly more the result
of a broader lack of knowledge than just my unfamiliarity with


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