[Noisebridge-discuss] Space viewing report: 2169 Mission
Jeffrey Malone
ieatlint at tehinterweb.com
Sat Jul 11 05:03:42 UTC 2009
Apparently at least one person was concerned that my email was
suggesting something bad about this potential space.
In truth, I think it looks fucking awesome from everything I know.
By listing the two points I did, I was simply commenting on criticism I'd heard.
Firstly, the floors. I don't see any problem with them -- clearly
they're going to do their job well, and noise complaints are extremely
unlikely to be an issue. Additionally, over 3 years we'll destroy
just about any floor. At this at this place, we'll save so much on
rent that it won't be quite as bad in fixing them later.
Truly, not an issue.
As for the crime -- it's the fucking Mission. 6 incidents over 30
days is nothing. We've all seen people getting arrested around
Noisebridge (and for some of us, in front of Noisebridge). My
comments on it were meant to point this out -- 6 crimes that had
minimal violence is nothing, and the severe one I mentioned on Capp st
was in the middle of the night on an empty street.
Seriously, I don't see crime as an issue. I brought it up so that
everything is on the table and people can see it.
If you feel that the crime rate looks high, talk to me. We can go
over how dangerous 83c is according to the same maps, and how
dangerous the other proposed locations are -- they're ALL ON PAR
really, and no one's been attacked/hurt/mugged/etc yet. 99% of all the
crime is drug related, or theft from cars.
So yeah, I fully support everything I've heard about this space yet.
Just trying to get any criticisms that could be brought up addressed
as quickly as possible so that when the decision time comes close, we
don't hang on it.
Oh, and Sai, the timing is ASAP as with any realty. The later you
wait, the chance of someone else taking it increases. The question of
how long can we wait isn't on that needs to be asked. The question is
if it's the right place (looking good on that), and then how quickly
we can get consensus and respond.
The quickest is July 21... and I think we should aim to hit that
unless any *serious* concerns come up.
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Jeffrey Malone<ieatlint at tehinterweb.com> wrote:
> Okay, so I think it all looks very promising as well.
> It sounds vaguely like a "fixer-upper", which for us wouldn't be a bad
> thing. Most else we've been looking at is $1-2k/mo more, and even
> with the costs needed to fix this place up it sounds like we'd be
> doing great in no time.
> Two criticisms/concerns I've heard are:
> The floors. Potentially weak, potentially noisy. Weak floors are
> nothing we can help, but if the noise for the floors proves
> problematic, we can likely install some of that cheap carpet you see
> in workplaces everywhere that should dull them. Of course, with a
> shop below us, we shouldn't have many complaints overall.
> Crime.
> The area is known for drugs -- not that Wiese St isn't. But instead
> of people using, you get selling, and shit that happens around that.
> Some time spent on SF's crime map site show that the walk from BART to
> this place is more dangerous than to 83c (which is kinda predictable
> since 83c is so close to BART).
> http://www.sfgov.org/crimemaps to check it yourself (doesn't support
> direct links).
> I ran that searching for all incidents in a 500ft radius of Mission St
> & 17th St, which put the top of the radius just below 16th St BART and
> just at 18th St & Mission, thus basically covering the walk that we'd
> be doing that we aren't already. Over the past 30 days, there've been
> 51 incidents, mostly drugs.
> When you take out drugs, vandalism, auto theft and larceny, you get
> only 11 incidents: 6 assaults, 5 robberies.
> None of the incidents involved the use of guns, and only one involved
> a weapon (a robbery that had a knife). The robberies happened
> primarily between 7 and 9pm (3 of them), and around 3:30am (the other
> 2). The assaults happened at all hours.
> In general, I'd say that that is not particularly bad. I would guess
> the assaults were mainly related to drug trafficking. The robberies
> are certainly worrisome, but probably as good as we'll find at any
> potential location in our price range.
> This also assumes that all the robberies were reported to SFPD, which
> may or may not be the case.
> In the area, the worst crime reported in the past 90 days is an
> attempted rape and homicide on Capp St between 17th St and 18th St on
> May 13 (no weapon involved, for whatever that's worth).
> Anyway, I think the viewing on Tuesday will be very telling. We
> should bring together our questions, and perhaps have a single person
> selected to talk with the guy so that we can simplify interactions. I
> have it placed on the meeting agenda as a topic for consensus. This
> will allow us to have consensus on it a week from Tuesday, July 21, if
> we feel that we want to move on this place. The one week downtime
> should do well for us to think clearly about the 3 year lease we would
> be discussing.
> I encourage any members with reservations to get informed as possible
> and be there for the viewing. If you can't, talk to people who will
> be there and make sure your questions get answered and your concerns
> addressed as early as possible.
> Jeffrey
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 7:57 PM, Ani Niow<v at oneletterwonder.com> wrote:
>> I will certainly be there on Tuesday at 8:30. I hope you all will to.
>> -Ani
>> 2009/7/10 Rachel McConnell <rachel at xtreme.com>
>>> Second this, heartily.
>>> We arranged with the lessor to come back next Tuesday at 8PM, so anyone
>>> coming to the next meeting can walk down and take a look. I encourage
>>> people to show up for this meeting as it will be more interesting than
>>> most!
>>> Rachel
>>> Andy Isaacson wrote:
>>> > Shannon, myself, Rubin, and Rachel visited this space today. It looks
>>> > very promising to me... so promising I'm still asking myself "what's the
>>> > catch?".
>>> >
>>> > * 5600sf quoted, $3600/mo, 3yr lease
>>> > * crappy wood floors, 11' or 12' ceilings, good light.
>>> > * gentrifying corner of 18th and Mission (2 doors down from Weird Fish)
>>> >
>>> > https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Moving/2169_Mission
>>> >
>>> > -andy
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