[Noisebridge-discuss] 224 12th

Christie Dudley longobord at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 23:36:08 UTC 2009

I don't know.  When I still had my house I redid the floors and it
looked gorgeous afterward.  It was really cheap to do, too.  I got
this putty stuff that I used to fill in the gaps on the floor.  I then
sanded it down with a floor sander I rented for a weekend, then I
finished it with a nice polyurethane floor finish.  I think the whole
job cost about $100 and took me, working entirely alone less than a
week (while I was going to school full time).  I'm suspecting the
floor of this new space will be more than that, but not as much as you
might think.  I would think we could get by for under $500 all told,
even counting what we'd need to spend on the replacement planks for
the space in front of the east bathroom.  It's all surface stuff from
what I could tell.

 Disrupting paradigms since 1967

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 3:24 PM, jim<jim at well.com> wrote:
>   I think you're on the right track, Al: doing
> the floor, assuming we do the labor, will need
> about $1000, maybe a little more. Note this
> won't get a really nice floor job, just smooth
> it down, get rid of the top layer of filth,
> fill holes (some of which may drip down into
> the second floor), and put on a couple of coats
> of finish so's to make it possible to clean up
> spills, metal filings, etc. in a year or two,
> part of maintenance will be to smear another
> coat where things have worn.
>   if the toilets and sinks work, there's not
> much left to do with the bathrooms.
>   for the electrical, we need to replace
> broken and unsafe old receptacles, maybe a
> light switch or two, and maybe get the (unsafe)
> flex off the walls.
>   what's left is putting up partitions. there's
> a proposal to lift up the walls currently there
> and move them to where we'd like them.
> On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 14:49 -0700, Al Billings wrote:
>> Are people overestimating the costs of a build out? I've seen people
>> through out tens of thousands of dollars as a figure. I mean, what do
>> we REALLY need to do versus our ideal, perfect plan?
>>   Floor cleanup? Make the bathroom functional?
>> Al
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