[Noisebridge-discuss] RFID gates or library security gates

Jake jake at spaz.org
Sat Sep 17 17:40:13 UTC 2011

i'm serious.

i want the option of putting either RFID tags or library-book or 
drug-store style anti-theft tags in my items, or items like the 
microscopes, so that when a thief tries to leave with something that's not 
theirs, lights flash and sirens wail.

does anyone here have experience with this type of equipment, and know 
where we could buy some?  It should be something where we can get tags 
cheaply (or make them from ATtiny25's)

the library/drugstore style just sets off the thing - not ideal, because 
you can't know what caused the alarm to go off without searching the 

The RFID tag type solution is better, because when the alarm goes off, the 
display near the door will indicate exactly what item is on that person. 
If it's a stranger and the item is Miloh's Laptop, people are not going to 
just let it go.  But if it's Miloh and the screen says Miloh's Laptop, he 
just gets a little red for forgetting to pre-clear his departure with the 
system to avoid setting off the alarm.  Plus no false positives with RFID.

help!  anyone know how to do this?


P.S. i am embarrassed to admit i don't know how to make this from scratch.

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