[Digitalarchivists] Scanning Stand: Permanent Setup

John Shutt john.d.shutt at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 04:16:21 UTC 2014

Hey archivists,

The following stuff is now on the bottom shelf of the book scanner stand in
the Noisebridge library:

* Power cord for LED strip
* Three USB cords for cameras and trigger
* Three-way USB splitter
* Raspberry Pi B+ that someone could turn into a scanner terminal if
* Two Canon PowerShot A540 cameras that aren't mounting properly

  That should be everything you need to scan, if you work out the mounting
issues or bring your own cameras. You will also need a computer with the Python
script <https://github.com/danyq/diybookscanner> and relevant libraries
installed. I'm open to the idea of installing the two Canon EOS Rebels
we've been using, if someone convinces me that better access control and
stronger community cohesion means that they won't get stolen.

Alternatively, we could get some Canon PowerShot A2200s
which are the latest recommendation from Daniel Reetz. They're also less
expensive than the EOS models, so it wouldn't be as devastating if they
grew legs and walked out of the space.

Long term it would be good if someone who has never used the scanner before
could come into the space, plug their laptop into the cameras and trigger,
and start scanning within five minutes. I think we should paint a link to
the relevant wiki page on the scanner itself. Anyone good at stenciling?

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